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This action runs snyk on clojure repo, using leningen to generate a pom.xml file

For the V2 action add the following secrets: TWINGATE_PUBLIC_REPO_KEY in public repos and TWINGATE_KEY private repos


snykToken (required)

This input is the secret snyk token

snykOrg (not required)

The organization in snyk to send results to

snykProject (not required)

The project name in snyk

snykRepo (not required)

Set this if you want to group under different repository in Snyk.

noMonitor (not required)

If you just want to run snyk test and not snyk monitor you should set this input to true

snykTargetRef (not required - default: false)

If you set this value to true, when running snyk monitor the --target-reference argument will be set to the value of GITHUB_REF_NAME which is the branch or tag name that triggered the workflow run

snykPolicy (not required)

This is the path to a .snyk file in your repository to pass to snyk while running snyk test. Information on the file format can be found here: . It can be used to ignore vulnerabilities or remove false positives.



An comma separated list of vulnerable packages in the format <package_name>: <snyk_id>|<cve IDs>. Example:

foo: SNYK-JAVA-FOO-BLAH, com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat:jackson-dataformat-cbor-2.9.0: SNYK-JAVA-COMFASTERXMLJACKSONDATAFORMAT-1047329|CVE-2020-28491, bar: SNYK-JAVA-bar-00000

Example usage

plasee see sample_workflow.yaml for a sample